Abacus use PixSell reporting functions to great effect:
Abacus’ new Sales Manager has taken their use of PixSell to another level and has seen significant changes throughout his team.
Abacus have been an Aspin client since 2003 and adopted our PixSell software in 2013.
When Nathan Hitchcock came to Abacus in January 2018 he got into the PixSell reporting in a big way. “I check it hourly. I can see what each salesperson is doing and every conversation they’ve had that day.”
Because Nathan is fully utilising the PixSell reporting functions he’s able to track near real-time team and sales data at regular intervals. Meaning he can provide support the moment it’s needed.
“PixSell has brought the team together… everyone is kept in the loop and everyone is pushed to succeed.”
What Abacus did next:
“Yes. I’m very happy with PixSell. It’s working really well for us”.
The benefits of PixSell really came to light when Nathan introduced to his team a new sales rep. With PixSell’s ability to hold images of the customer site, the new rep could see customer premises inside and out, and put faces to the names of decision makers, before attending each appointment. This meant the rep was able to hit the ground running and go into each customer appointment fully prepared.
Using PixSell to hold pictures of customer stores has also enhanced Nathan’s ability to upsell and maximise spend. “We had some smaller accounts that hadn’t engaged immediately… we had a look at the instore pictures and realised the client had 100 feet of space we weren’t, but should be, filling”.
This level of client insight helps Nathan to ensure promotions are targeted to best effective.
Has it been a success?
Fully engaging with the PixSell reporting functions has been a huge success for Nathan. “Now everyone is very aware that I’m aware of what’s going on.”
Abacus recently launched some new multipack stationery. Historically these wouldn’t sell very well. But, because Nathan is instantaneously tracking sales by product and rep throughout the day, everyone is incentivised to perform to their best ability. This near real-time category reporting means Nathan can fix any potential issues straight away.
“If I know on Day 1 of a new product launch that most of the team have sold 30 units by lunch time but someone hasn’t sold any, I can get straight on the phone and find out what they’re struggling with”. With PixSell’s help, sales of this new product is exceeding forecast.
Nathan has used similar products from our competitors but says, “I couldn’t breakdown the sales data by category, product or sales rep like I do now with PixSell”.