PixSell Sales App for Reps will enable your team to take orders, produce high quality catalogues and presentations, access historic customer data and so much more.
Continually developed to scale with your business growth.
Works online and offline. Provides access to the data your sales people need to grow their accounts, wherever they are.
PixSell case studies
Find out how PixSell helps our customers increase sales and simplify their processes. Watch some of these short videos, or click a customer logo to read the full case study.
App Store Reviews for PixSell
PixSell tips & tricks
Watch these short videos to get a taste for how PixSell can help your sales team can sell more products and save time.
As part of our Customer Success programme, we aim to ensure every PixSell user is maximising it’s potential. One way we do this is by publishing frequent ‘tips & tricks’ videos, showcasing PixSell’s most useful features. You can find our full library of videos here
PixSell release videos
Our developers work hard to continuously improve PixSell, which is why we issue a new release an average of every six weeks. A lot of these improvements come from user feedback; reps and agents who tell us what they’d like to see to help them take better and bigger orders, or simply to make their lives easier and save them precious time.
With every release, we publish a short video to demonstrate the changes and updates. Watch some of our recent videos below. Or find our full library of release videos here.
Sales app for reps taking orders out in the field
Serve your retail customers with an all-encompassing upselling tool. When you choose PixSell sales app, your team of reps and agents have access to account information, sales histories, advanced customer filtering, journey planning, and rich CRM functionality.
With PixSell sales app, your sales team can become more than just order takers.
Complex pricing, integration and sleek presentation are the bare minimum requirements for sales reps and agents. But what happens as your team grows and technology changes? We pride ourselves on consistently releasing new features and updates to PixSell, based on regular user feedback and requests. You won’t outgrow PixSell.