Is your field sales app future-proof
For wholesalers, manufacturers or distributors looking for a mobile digital catalogue and ordering app for their iPads, there is plenty of choice. But what looks like a good choice today, may not remain a good choice two or more years down the line.
As with any software technology, app development is a fast moving and constantly evolving industry. New trends and innovations come along frequently, meaning developers need to stay above the curve in order to meet customer demands.
“Technology moves fast. And with Aspin we’re always moving with it. There are always new developments to make PixSell more efficient, which makes us better and more profitable.” Jackie Eades, Fallen Fruits
We talk to many B2B businesses around the UK across many different industries. A complaint we frequently hear is that other sales apps stay the same year after year. Meaning a large investment becomes redundant in a short space of time.
In 2010, we developed PixSell – our digital catalogue and order taking app for iPad. Used by field sales reps and agents selling B2B.
Since then we have developed two further versions and in late 2020, PixSell 3 became available to download from the AppStore.
“The introduction of PixSell to our business has resulted in a giant step forward in presentation and field sales force control. The module updates have been excellent.” Bonds Confectionery Ltd
PixSell 3 was built from the ground up, as an entirely new digital catalogue and ordering app. The coding language of Objective C, previously used for PixSell 2, was replaced with Swift; a choice seen within the developer community as best practice for innovative and leading iOS apps.
Objective C continues to be supported by Apple – and there have been no announcements to suggest that will end any time soon – but the development from Apple for Objective C is simply no longer there and it remains largely as it was 10 years ago.
Since PixSell 3’s launch in 2020 Aspin have introduced no fewer than 12 new releases. Each one containing additional functionality as well as tweaked improvements to existing functions. Many of these developments arose from customer feedback and suggestions.
“It is refreshing that Aspin uses customer feedback when implementing future releases.” Mondottica Ltd
At Aspin we take pride in delivering a customer-focused service. We understand our customers’ need to stay ahead of their competitors and take seriously our role in helping to make that happen.
If your business would benefit from an innovative and ever improving digital catalogue and ordering app, call us on 01794 500 200 or drop us an email using [email protected].
You can also watch our MD, Nathan Aspin, talk through the release of PixSell 3.13 here.
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