PixSell Downloads
Overview Downloads
Additional Modules
Use our PixSell factsheet downloads to gain an insight into how our Sales App for Reps, can help your distribution business succeed.
Our ‘overview’ downloads are a good starting point if you want to to know how PixSell can help your team succeed and exceed customers expectations.
For a more thorough look PixSell, book a demo with the Aspin team.
Any questions? Call us on 01794 500 205, or drop us a line using [email protected].
PixSell 3 is the latest PixSell model, developed to give our developers greater ability to quickly add new functions and features in response to user feedback and requests. Although our previous PixSell models are still supported, PixSell 3 is now the only model we offer to new customers.
Providing as much useful functionality as we possibly can is our main goal for PixSell. Which is why PixSell also comes with the added benefit of being able to pick and choose from a variety of ‘bolt-on’ modules, depending on your needs. Some of these modules are explained in the ‘modules’ downloads.