Release Notes
Here you’ll find our full history of PixSell release notes in summary form, with links through to the full notes on PDF.
Many of our PixSell updates come from user-feedback. If you use PixSell and have any ideas as to how it could be improved, please drop us a line using [email protected].
PixSell 3 version release 3.50 (18 February, 2025)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
- Catalogue option to display only out-of-stock or unavailable products
- Option to display the latest line value next to the running total of an order
- Customer Activities panel now showing 2 years of activities by default
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.46 (5 December, 2024)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
- New Transactions Report: Provides projected margin, mark-up, and profitability for sales transactions and quotes, with options for filtering, sorting, and exporting data to support performance analysis.
- Delivery Address Filtering: Adds the ability to filter a customer’s sales order history by delivery address, enabling more precise location-based data analysis.
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.44 (19 November, 2024)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
- Ability to associate photos to forms
- The ‘By Sales Rep’ filters can now include reps assigned to prospects in all circumstances
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.42 (24 September, 2024)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
- The delivery date can now be displayed on simultaneous order tabs, to more easily differentiate between concurrent orders for the same customer
- A warning will be shown in the Out Tray when it contains held orders, to clarify these are only kept on device and not backed up
- Values can now be displayed on Plan Re-Orders as a summary, and with the price & discount on each line
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.40 (05 August, 2024)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
- New Feature: you can now use the ‘Request Catalogue PDF’ feature from the Out Tray, Sync History, and Order/Sales History menus
- Upcoming: A new quotes module is currently in development
- This update also includes various bug fixes and performance improvements for a smoother user experience
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.39 (18 June, 2024)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
- New options in the customer Advanced Filters to search by invoice and credit history in addition to order history
- Information text shown beneath the transaction signature box (this text can be changed if needed)
- Ability to change file names for CSV exports
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.38 (21 May, 2024)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
- The User Interface (UI) for the Activities Module is updated for all users
- Delivery addresses on the order header can now be searched
- The stability and performance of PixSell has been improved
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.36 (11 April, 2024)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
- New catalogue sorting options
- Apply a quantity override to multiple lines when managing transaction lines
- Plan multiple activities from the customer screen’s action menu
- Green coloured toggles for ‘Yes’ answers in forms
- Improved user interface for Also Bought and Linked Products
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.35 (27 February, 2024)
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
• Enhancements to the Customer Email Addresses screen
• Ability to transfer order lines from one device to another • Option to disable the download of media assets • Improvements to Quick Orders • Re-design of the Activity planning page to make it clearer • Report filters refinements • New buttons for the Forms module • Email addresses in the list of customers can now be tapped directlyYou can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.32 & 3.33
(12 December, 2023)
Two new updates, released in very quick succession of each other. A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
• New ‘Never Ordered’ and ‘First Order Pending’ collections will show in the catalogue when a customer is selected • Ability to share images from a presentation screen slideshow
• Improved stability for iOS 17 in the catalogue
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.30
(31st October, 2023)
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
• Catalogue button to switch between views
• Improvements to activities • Ability to share images from a presentation screen slideshow
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.28
(19th September, 2023)
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
• ‘Return to top’ option in the catalogue menu to go straight back to the beginning
• Removal of some catalogue views for simplicity and better performance • Enhancements to the planning of multiple activities for better clarityYou can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.27
(11th August, 2023)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
• The catalogue and customer searches now contain an ‘Exact Match’ setting, so the searches look for the exact string entered
• The Out Tray menu has a new ‘Copy Transaction Reference’ option, so you can copy & paste an Order or Credit Reference • When viewing HTML formatted attributes from the SkooCloud PIM, the formatting will now be applied in the extended information screenYou can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.26
(11 July, 2023)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
• The catalogue filter menus will now auto-scroll to the currently selected single filter
• Activities with only deleted transactions can now be deleted again, with a message explaining the transactions will be destroyed • Support of international tax schemes (e.g. Eco-Tax) • The highlight colour for discontinued products now works in the same way for customers using stock locations • Performance improvements, notably when first loading the catalogue, but also in other areas • Added the possibility to hide the “Email + CSV” option recently introduced as a new feature, for customers who’d rather not see it • Expanded the option to view all stock location details to show more fields
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.24
(5 June, 2023)
In summary, the main changes are as follows:
• 13 new promotion types now available
• OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for Fast Lines, allowing users to read and extract product codes and quantities from photos -iOS/iPadOS 16 only • A new ‘Tell Me More’ section giving useful links such as tips & tricks videosYou can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.23
(4 May, 2023)
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
• Restore previously deleted transactions
• Edit the number of top customers shown from the quick filters • Request a transaction’s product images via email from the order/sales history • Show a delivery address line on the concurrent order tabs • Email a CSV at the same time as the PDF confirmation • Previous activities’ notes can now easily be viewed in full and sharedYou can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.21
(5 January, 2023)
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
- New badging system – flashes, spotlights, highlights and image overlays
- Customer Grouping by Head Office or Delivery Number
- Button to hide the details panel in the Customer and Product dashboards
- Ability to select all order lines at once when managing lines
- Improvements to the product images carousels
- Updates to the transaction summaries
- Visual cue to indicate FOC lines
- Colour change for the numbered pins on maps
- Ability to restrict SkooCloud attributes shown in PixSell by attribute group
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.19
(3 November, 2022)
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
- Ability to search for customers by delivery address
- The Customer Dashboard has a new Customer Activities panel
- Additional product images associated from SkooCloud can now be viewed in a carousel
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.18
(22 September, 2022)
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
- A message will be shown to remind users to perform a ‘full sync’ if the PixSell data hasn’t been updated for a while
- The dashboard’s Order History and Sales History reports can now be filtered by Sales Rep
- Now possible to configure PixSell to block or warn users when creating transactions for a customer which is not the customer the current Activity is for
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.17 (28 July, 2022)
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
- Ability to change the colour of the tagging star in the Catalogue and Customer screens
- Map of nearest addresses (including delivery addresses) to a specified location
- New and improved Advanced Filters
You can download the full release notes here.
PixSell 3 version release 3.16 (1 July, 2022)
As well as the usual bug fixes and general housekeeping, PixSell 3 release 3.16 contains the following main updates:
- The ‘Out Tray’ sync history is now retained for 35 days by default
- PixSell can now be configured to display warnings (or block the start of new activities) when there are missed activities yet to be preplanned
Click here to download the full 3.16 release notes.
PixSell 3 version release 3.15 (12 May, 2022)
As well as the usual bug fixes and general housekeeping, PixSell 3 release 3.15 contains the following main updates:
- Fast Lines – type or paste a list of SKUs or barcodes plus the quantities required, then add them to an order in bulk
- Option to change the warning sound for out-of-stock products and invalid barcodes
- Greater barcode scanning accuracy with the addition of UPC-A barcode recognition
- A new Catalogue and Product List icon to indicate when a product has multiple images
Click here to download our PDF of the full 3.15 release notes.
PixSell 3 version release 3.13 (18 March, 2022)
PixSell 3 release 3.13 contains the following updates:
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
- Linking documents to products in the Catalogue (requires SkooCloud Plus or above)
- Option to request a PDF of Catalogue products from the PIM (requires SkooCloud Plus or above)
- Ability to add photos to a transaction (requires the Site Images module)
- Possibility to show the total value of all orders in the Out Tray
- Other Improvements and Bug Fixes
Click here to download our PDF for all information on the latest release.
PixSell 3 version release 3.12 (14 February, 2022)
PixSell 3 release 3.12 contains the following updates:
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
- In the Catalogue’s Collections menu, there is a new “Collection Overview” option which summarises all the collections with thumbnails
- PixSell can be configured with an option to email Catalogue images from a specific Catalogue view
- In the Out Tray, when simultaneous orders are in progress, the selected order’s lines can be added to another open order of your choice
- A new “Sales Rep” filter has been added to the Customers’ Advanced Filters
- Other Improvements and Bug Fixes
Click here to download our PDF for all information on the latest release.
PixSell 3 version release 3.11 (22 November, 2021)
PixSell 3 release 3.11 contains the following updates:
A variety of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements, including:
- Option to display the ‘Running Total’ of an order at the top of the Order and Catalogue screens
- A new ‘Fast Lines’ mode that bypasses the keypad when using a barcode scanner to add products to an order
- Ability to set-up ‘Quick Orders’ which automatically create an Activity when started
- At the end of an order, it is now possible to present a list of ‘Suggested Products’ (based on a Template) displaying products not already included on the closing order
- Bug fixes and improvements
Click here to download our PDF for all information on the latest release.